Adding 2Gig as secondary controller

I am using a new Smartthings hub and want to setup the 2Gig as secondary controller but am having difficulty.

I have Reset the controller from the 2gig advanced settings but can’t figure out how to learn it in to Smartthings. If I choose Add Device on Smartthings and Learn Controller on 2Gig that brings in the Z-Wave data to 2Gigit also makes the 2Gig primary. If I choose Switch Controller on 2Gig is waits but nothing happens. All devices are gone from my acct as well - I have done a cell phone test to try to force upload - but not sure if that works.

If I choose Learn Controller on 2Gig while choosing Include or Exclude Hub from Existing z-Wave network on ST that doesn’t seem to do anything. ST reports that it is done in 5 seconds and 2Gig just hangs there…

Any help?

If I choose Add Device on Smartthings and Learn Controller on 2Gig that brings in the Z-Wave data to 2Gigit also makes the 2Gig primary.

Unless there has been a firmware change to this, 2GIG can only be secondary and this is the method you should try.

Make sure the panel and hub are within 10 feet of one another and leave them there during the process and for about 5 minutes after. After learning, does 2GIG show all of the devices?

I am not sure what steps to take to learn in the 2gig as secondary to smarthings.

also when I bring the hubs near each other does the smart things need to be connected to ethernet or just powered on?

when I bring the hubs near each other does the smart things need to be connected to ethernet or just powered on?

It would just need to be powered.

We do not use ST in testing, but the steps would be roughly the same as shown here.

Add device on ST and Learn Controller on 2GIG should get you where you need.

Thank you. Everything seems to be working as expected. However, I don’t see my zwave devices on or on the app. How can I update?

I’m not seeing anything after an equipment update request. It looks like the panel is running on an older firmware though, it may be a good test to update to at least 1.13 to see if that helps.

How can we update the firmware? Can you do that remotely?

BTW for the benefit of the search function
To learn in Smartthings Hub V2 I did the following:
Reset 2Gig Z Wave under Advanced
Setup Smarthings and added in devices
With Smarthings plugged in and connected to the router and about 20 feet away I choose add a thing in the app and hit learn controller on 2Gig. Within 30 seconds the 2Gig panel was showing as a controller in Smarthings app and the devices were in 2Gig. They had generic names in 2Gig as that data didn’t carry over.

There are a few ways for a firmware update on a GC2 (Go!Control) panel.

  1. Local update via update cable. This is the recommended method typically, as firmware can be applied for free as soon as 2GIG makes it available.

  2. Over-the-air update via cellular communicator. Each OTA update across cell carry a one-time charge and they are incremental, so depending on your current version it may take two or three individual updates to reach the latest firmware. They can take hours to complete and communication must not be interrupted during that time.

  3. Over-the-air update via Go!Bridge. If you have a Go!Bridge, OTA updates to the panel can be sent over internet instead of cell. These updates are free and typically much quicker than cellular OTA updates, though they are still incremental.

The updated firmware resolved it. I added the new firmware and all devices appear to be visible on However, how can I rename them and reorder them?

The names from Smartthings weren’t pulled over to 2Gig. Anyway to do it online or on the app and not on the panel?

Devices should be renamed on You can do so by navigating to Empower - Devices.