Empower missing?

I’m signed up for gold interactive (as far as I know), but I don’t see the empower tab, and there are some automation options I don’t seem to have (such as the ability to group lights). Any suggestions?

Due to the Alarm.com website redesign, there is no longer a page called “empower.” Automation rules for devices can be found by clicking Automation in the left hand menu, and Light functions specifically can be found by clicking the arrow in the upper right of the Lights card on the Home page. On the lights page click Manage Groups.

Thanks for the directions. Turns out, I had been looking at that screen, but on my Ipad browser (chrome), and some of the page features didn’t show up. But when I tried again on my desktop browser, it worked fine.

One more request - somewhere along the line, I messed up adding a couple devices to my network. I was able to remove the devices and then re-add them (they work fine), but the remnants of the previous install still show up on the alarm.com portal. Can you delete them from your end? Their are three of them, and I named them “Delete Me”.

Thanks again.

I was able to remove the devices and then re-add them (they work fine), but the remnants of the previous install still show up on the alarm.com portal. Can you delete them from your end? Their are three of them, and I named them “Delete Me”.

If you have duplicates of existing devices in the list remote deletion will typically not work. In order to successfully remove a device remotely, that device must be powered down and not signaling at all.

We’ve sent some commands to see if this can get cleared up and remove those three devices. Allow about 5-10 minutes. If this does not remove the devices, let us know. They may need to be powered down or deleted again locally in order for us to be able to remove them if they are duplicates.