Panel Location Advice


I’m looking for some views on the best panel location for our house. A little background. Our primary entrance door is a back door off an enclosed 3 season porch. The door is a half lite (top half is glass). The previous owner had their ADT panel mounted directly across the room (approx 20 ft from the door) but clearly visible from the door. Instead of reusing this location, I’m considering mounting it on the interior wall right next to the door which would not be visible through the glass and much more convenient from an arming/disarming perspective. Both locations are able to hit all sensors just fine from an RF perspective.

I can see that having the panel visible could be a potential deterrent for a would-be burglar but at the same time if for some reason the panel was not armed (we obviously try to avoid this) that state is also plainly visible across the room. We have the usual stickers on all doors warning of a monitored alarm.

I’m leaning on the side of convenience but curious if there is a prevailing view on where to place the panel when potentially visible from the outside?

Some proximity to a door is typically fine, but I would not recommend placing the panel within reach of any glass. You do not want to install in a location where access to the panel could be achieved without tripping a sensor.

Out of view and out of reach is ideal typically.

This will also be impacted by the panel, and whether you plan to use secondary keypads. You want to balance physical security, cellular signaling, and RF signaling.