How to Change the Installer’s Code on a 2GIG Go!Control Panel (Q43)

Need to change Q43? We show you how simple it is to do.

How to change the installer code

1: Enter the installer toolbox using your current installer code. If suretyDIY has reset your code to its default value, this will be “1561.”

2: Access System Configuration from the menu.

3: Select “Go To” and press “43”

4: At Q43, type your new installer code.

5: Select “End” and “Exit” saving changes.

If you have a 2GIG Go!Control Panel and do not have the installer code, suretyDIY can remotely reset that code if you are set up with our service. This page goes over how to use an compatible 2GIG Go!Control Panel and switch to suretyDIY.

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