Using a 2Gig Doorbell (2GIG-DBELL1-345) as a Form of Alarm Verification.

You’ve likely heard the stories: a homeowner hears a doorbell ring and does not answer it, shortly thereafter a burglar kicks in the door or breaks open a window.

It is fairly common knowledge at this point that prior to entry, it is routine that a burglar will directly attempt to survey whether anyone is home. Keep in mind that most of these criminals aren’t looking to get into altercations with homeowners. Knocking on the door and ringing the doorbell just happens to probably be the easiest and most unassuming way of learning whether the home is occupied.

With 2Gig, this is something of which you can take advantage.

If you haven’t the desire or budget to post video cameras around your home, it’s likely difficult in the case of an alarm when you are away from home. How do you decide whether to send the cavalry? Did the cat manage to trip the motion detector? Were the kids supposed to come home early? Regardless the scenario, you don’t have a solid idea of whether or not a break in has actually occurred.

With a wireless doorbell and a single notification created in, you can have a fairly certain knowledge that something is amiss, and that a human presence has caused your alarm to go off. This allows you to respond to your central station dispatcher with confidence, and give them a measure of verification to relay to law enforcement.



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