deleted light schedule

I deleted my light schedule as it wasn’t working right. I went to create a new one and can’t find a way to do it under the schedules area of the website. I looked in help and there is supposed to be a new schedule button but I don’t see anything. Help! Thanks!

I just checked and see the Add New Schedule button. It is just under Automation - Schedules. Are you not seeing it currently?

Not that I can see. I looked there and do not see it. Used a few different browsers thinking that may be the issue with no luck.

Can you post a quick screenshot of what you see on your “Automation - Schedules” page?

Here you go. Thanks!

Ah, interesting, I am seeing the button on a Read-Only version of your page, but when I login to one of our systems I don’t see the “Rules” button, and see a Schedule button that is grayed out.

I would bet there is maintenance occurring on those pages, but we will verify with ADC for you.

Actually, looking into this further I neglected to remember we had removed applicable devices from this demo system I was looking at, which explains our case - so I do not have any other case of this unfortunately.

Can you confirm that you are logging in with the primary account login when trying to do this?

I see another login on the account which may not have control.

Also, which browser were you using for the screenshot above?

Lastly, what is the model of Z-wave light you have?

I’m logging in with the primary account.

I think that screenshot has edge as the browser. I’ve tried chrome too.

GoControl Z-Wave Dimmable LED Light Bulb, LB60Z-1

I just tried safari, no luck. I suppose I can delete the light out and try again.

And just to be sure, the button is not off the right side of the screen, correct? You cannot scroll right at the bottom of the browser? The screenshot looks like the right edge is cut off, just wondering if this is a positioning issue ADC can address.

What resolution/device are you viewing the page on? Have you tried another device?

Since there is only one light it may be a good idea to remove and re-add it as a troubleshooting step, yes, that is a good idea.

If you can remember, did you last edit the schedule before or after the website update? (when the UI changed in late fall)

I’ve now tried firefox, edge, chrome, and safari. On a MacBook pro, on two different win10 PCs, an iPad both in the app and using safari, no luck. I don’t think resolution is the issue as I can see the button on the Rules and Scenes area. There is no scroll right at the bottom of the browser.

I’ve only had the light bulb for a few weeks so it would be after the update. The schedule was there at one point and was not working properly. The light would turn on as expected but then never shut off. My thinking was something was wonky with the schedule so I deleted it thinking maybe adding a new one would do the trick, which led me to this.

Another thing to note is if I go into the feature suggestion area - One of the suggestions is to add a light schedule. When I click on that nothing happens. If I click on the other suggestions it brings me to the expected area of the website.

Thank you for the info. We always have to check the silly things when the issue doesn’t make much sense.

At this point I think the last test would be to remove and reinstall the light to see if it is recognized appropriately and populates the option in

If you do not have any applicable devices, options won’t be shown in many circumstances, and I wonder if there is an error with this occurring on your account.

Let us know if removing and reinstalling helps out. You may need to log out and log back in after the reinstall.

We will update ADC so they can look further into this as well.

I did delete and add the light with no difference. I hit the refresh arrow in the upper right hand corner and the button appeared - so that did the trick. I attached a screen shot.

I hit the refresh arrow in the upper right hand corner and the button appeared – so that did the trick. I attached a screen shot.

Weird. Ok, well I am glad you were able to access, I’ll update ADC with this and it should help them discover what went wrong here.