Issue with Alarm panel and signalling

Today my working system will not connect, there is a connection error message followed by pdp denied message. Any ideas on how to correct this?

Happy to help!

This does not appear to be related to a account, is that correct?

How long has this issue been going on?

Have you tried power cycling your panel (transformer first then battery, wait 2 minutes then plug in the battery and transformer) then run a cell test, any change?

Note that there is currently an operations alert regarding cellular signalling in parts of Oklahoma. For more information on that, please see this post here.

Question, I am a new customer, I am testing my alarm. When I made the alarm go off, I received an email stating that there was an alarm event, however, the central station did not get notified. How can we fix this. Thx

Question, I am a new customer, I am testing my alarm. When I made the alarm go off, I received an email stating that there was an alarm event, however, the central station did not get notified. How can we fix this. Thx

If you look at the alarm event you’ll notice it says Pending Alarm. Whenever you see Pending Alarm in your history or notification, this means that a Dialer Delay is in effect on your panel. See here for a similar thread.

Dialer delay is a delay period after the sensor trips the local siren before the alarm signal is forwarded to the Central Station. A signal will only reach the Central Station if you allow the alarm to sound for longer than the delay period, which by default on the panel is typically 30 seconds.

Note that dialer delay can be removed from many panels, but on Concord 4 there is a minimum of 15 second Dialer Delay.